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What A Transition Is And How It Changes Your Life's Course For The Better.

Be still and the answers will come to you

Transitions are life's little "surprises" that change the course of our lives.

Transitions come in the form of illness, relationship break-ups, divorce, loss of a loved one or loss of a job. People ask me "how can these things possibly be any good?". I always answer them with this: "These things aren't good, but if you become proactive in your reaction to these things, you will be able to grow emotionally and spiritually in the right direction that will set in motion a better set of circumstances."

For me, the deadly cancer diagnosis forced me to explore the mind-body-spirit connection that made me ill in the first place. I had to get at the truth of how all this began and it was through this process that I learned what we think, speak and do comes right back at us full force. I had to unlearn a lot of the subconscious negative programming and reprogram my subconscious mind for better health, wealth, love and happiness. The subconscious mind is the record keeper of all hurts and fears, past and present. I also found out that I was a writer, poet and reignited my love for art. This all helped me to heal so really the illness I experienced was an OPPORTUNITY for me to change my life for the better. If it wasn't for the previous cancer diagnosis, I doubt I would have explored the possibility of having my own radio show, too.

When you treat these transitions as an OPPORTUNITY and not become overwhelmed by them you will learn and grow for the better.

My friend, Author of "DANCE OF THE ELECTRIC HUMMINGBIRD" Patricia Walker went through unspeakable abuse at the hands of her first husband.

This was not a good thing but what she did with this experience is nothing short of phenomenal.

Like myself, Patricia went through her spiritual journey of healing from this.

She became strong, left her 1st husband and stood up to him in court, wrote about her amazing, spiritual experiences of healing from this and having an out of body experience at a Sammy Hagar concert and eventually becoming his friend. He was like a musical shaman to her. I did a radio show with her titled "The Road Less Traveled That Lead To Rock Star Sammy Hagar".

Click the link below to your browser to hear Patricia's amazing story:



This book is available on and

Patricia has donated many copies of her book to women's shelters to let other women know that not only will you survive domestic abuse, if you can take this as an OPPORTUNITY to grow rather than stay stuck in a bad situation. Patricia found her voice as a writer that shares her experiences as well as becoming a teacher for the Infinite Possibilities program created by Mike Dooley from the documentary "The Secret". I am proud to call Patricia my friend, she not only faced her fears and left a bad relationship, she found out what her purpose was- a writer that lifts people up.

How cool is that?

She turned her transition into a transformation. She went from victim to VICTOR.

You can learn more about Pat, her incredible true story from abuse to abundance, book and Infinite Possibilities program that will help get you from your transitions to transformation on her website

Patricia is a shining example of someone who has made her transitions to transformation.

We have the choice to either let transitional situations overwhelm us or become an OPPORTUNITY to learn, grow and share our experiences with others that will take our lives in a great direction.

Whenever you are faced with one or more of these life transitions, remember it is important how we REACT to them. You can either become a victim or VICTOR of your circumstances.

It's all up to you...

I wish you strength, hope, and grace from your transitions to transformation.

Keep on rockin'

Rock N Roll Reverend Sue

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