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The Godbox: Special Delivery For Prayers

Special Delivery Godbox for prayers

I have been using a Godbox for prayers and I am amazed that all of

my prayers have been answered~ really!

The Godbox Priority Prayer box shown above was in Pinterest.

I have a red one that I bought from Michael's craft store for Christmas last year that I use.

I write on a piece of paper what problems I would like to heal and wishes I want to come true.

I then fold the paper and put it in my Godbox. I use this for myself and other people.

Do you want to hear something crazy? This actually worked for me!

I prayed for someone to get a job and he did, I prayed for someone that was trouble for the neighborhood to move, and he did.

The power of prayer and good intention worked. The key here is good intention, even if someone is hassling you, it's always important to wish that person a peaceful transition.

It's also a good idea to request a time frame for these things to happen.

I like to begin with "Right now I would like to see this resolved".


"Right now I would like this to happen".

Most of all, thank God in advance for making these things happen, because it will at the right time (smile)

I see lots of ideas on pinterest for a Godbox Special Delivery Prayer container, check out the Godbox pictured above by Dorie at:

This is a great process to let go and let God and have lots of fun.

Put all your worries, fears, hopes and inspirations, prayers for yourself and others in the Godbox and above all , EXPECT miracles for they do happen when you expect them.

"When your head starts to worry and your mind won't rest

Put your prayers on paper and let God do His best"

Much Love,

Rock N Roll Reverend Sue

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