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Which Wolf Do You Feed?

Which wolf do you feed?

Life is full of choices. Do we take the path of light or darkness?

We have both darkness and light within ourselves.

Like the old cherokee parable above says, what we feed the most, shows up the most in our lives.

Fear is a major contributor to evil also known as the dark side of us.

Fear is...






If we are afraid of losing something or someone,

we must remember to control the fear or it will take control of us.

A good example of this is Anakin Skywalker, from the Star Wars saga.

He was a great warrior trained in the Jedi tradition.


He was afraid of losing his wife and was falsely told he could save her life by the evil Emperor if he learned the dark arts.

Future Emporer

Anakin destroyed the Jedi Order for the Emperor in exchange for his wife's safety.


Padme', Anakin's wife had seen the dark changes in him and died of a broken heart

while giving birth to their twins Luke and Leia.


When Anakin lost his wife despite his best efforts to save her,

he succumbed to the dark side for good.

Anakin Skywalker was then transformed mentally and physically into Darth Vader,

a Dark Sith Lord.

Darth Vader

This story always reminds me not to let fear take over because nothing good ever comes from it.

Replace fear with hope and faith.

Hope is holding onto promising expectations and is the anchor to faith.

Faith is foreseeing amazing imaginative things happen.

I remember this every time a situation presents itself.

Fear and worry will make you sick and create a chain of events that will support these emotions.

When we master fear and worry and other dark emotions, we master our lives.

Much Love,

Rev. Sue

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