We Are The Change We Wish To See In The World
The simple quote above by Mahatmas Ghandi many years ago sums up how each and every one of us can create a better world.
It all begins with our thoughts, feelings and emotions as they do become things.
If we view the world as a terrible place it will always be a terrible place.
We have to change the way we react to our world.
With all the terrifying news bombarding us everyday it is hard to imagine living in a peaceful, loving world.
Every day, mainstream media bombards us with images of violence, hatred and doomsday stories like the North Korean nuclear missile situation.
The truth is, we CAN change this as a collective.
All we have to do is visualize world peace and it WILL happen.
I know this sounds like "woo- woo stuff" but meditation and visualization, especially done by a large group of people DOES make a difference.
There was an experiment done in 1993 at a Washington, D.C. park where 3000 yogic fliers (meditating yogis) meditated on peace in such a crime-infested area.
The results were staggering...
These 3000 Yogic Flyers REDUCED crime by 20 percent just by meditating and projecting their thoughts on peace.
Below is a link on meditation and how it lowers crime:
Below is a link for a guided meditation for world peace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF4opqsPDVE
Below is a link for music to heal the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbqO0cRRqN8
Or.. maybe you can do like I do and just picture Kim Jong-Un with a little make up and smile...
Through our thoughts, feelings and emotions we can project a better, more peaceful world.
We have the power to change the world.
No time is better than the present, so let's get started.
Much Love,
Rev. Sue