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The Spirituality of Star Wars: Finding Balance Between Darkness & Light

Let's face it, we all have a bit of Darth Vader in us all.

That's okay as long as we control and balance it.

The battle between good vs. evil has been going on since the beginning of time.

Fear and anger can push someone over the edge just like Anakin Skywalker.

We live in an action/reaction world.

How we react to what goes on around us makes the difference between darkness and light.

There's an old Cherokee tale called "The Two Wolves" and it's premise is two wolves live within us.

One wolf is light and the other is dark.

The wolf who wins is the one that is fed the most through thoughts, words and deeds.

Chancellor Palpatine lured Anakin to the dark side using Anakin's fear of losing his wife Padme'. Palpatine tricked Anakin into thinking he could teach him the secret

on how to bring someone back to life.

Padme' died anyway... of a broken heart because she seen the darkness grow in Anakin and she knew he had changed for the worst and that she couldn't be with him anymore.

Even though Anakin had the best intentions of saving her,

he ultimately killed Padme' himself by breaking her heart when he became evil

as a result of his fear of losing her.

Just one example of what fear of loss and the anger that is associated with it does.

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

Every time we get a negative or fearful thought it is best to acknowledge and feel this,

so we can let it go.

Fear is a product of our ego, a part of our psyche that wants to prevent us from getting to the next level in life because it wants us to be dependent on it for protection.

This is what prevents people from taking a new job, pursuing that new relationship or simply moving forward in life.

Every time I get a negative or fearful thought I acknowledge it and my ego by saying in my mind or aloud "Thanks for that" and then saying "Cancel Cancel Delete".

Not only did I acknowledge the negative , fearful thought, I was able to dismiss it too.

There's a lot of spirituality in Star Wars.

Especially finding balance between our yin/yang (light and dark) qualities.

The key to this is not letting fear of loss and anger get the best of us.

In real life, The Shaolin were an ancient order of monks who were peace keepers who only used their martial arts skills for defense.

The Jedi and the Shaolin are nearly one and the same.

  • They both channel a mystical energy (Chi/the Force), which most everyone thinks is a myth.

  • They both are masters of martial arts, with exceptional weapons skills.

  • Shaolin Monks are strict Buddhists. George Lucas seems to have based the Jedi values and meditation on Buddhism.

  • They both are non-violent, except as peacekeepers and for self defense.

There is a lot of talk about "The Force" in the Star Wars Saga. This "Force" a.k.a. "Chi" in asian culture is the energy that flows through all life.

I learned about Chi in Reiki class.

Reiki is an ancient way of healing mind, body and spirit through proper channeling of this chi energy.

I can tell you, it is indeed real.

I have healed myself a lot through this healing modality of channeling energy.

Most martial arts are all about channeling this chi energy.

Meditation, which is also shown with Yoda in Star Wars: Episode 1 is a way of quieting the mind to receive the answers you need as well as a great way to relax.

"We pray to petition God for help, meditation is hearing God's answers to your prayers"

~ Rev. Sue

There is a lot of spirituality in Star wars that I use every day.

I meditate to receive answers

I have learned we live in an action/reactionary world and not to let fear of loss control me as it could lead me down a bad path.

I have learned to channel the chi energy through my Reiki training to heal mind, body and spirit.

Yes, in a way I have learned how to use "The Force" through Reiki mind-body-spirit healing, being mindful of my thoughts especially keeping the fearful ones at bay and meditation.

In celebration of May The 4th, Star Wars Day,

May the force be with you today and always.

Much Love,

Rev. Sue

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