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How To Heal The World From Home

If you watch the news or hear it on the radio these days, life can seem pretty scary.

The good news is that there IS something we all can do to make things better,

and do this from HOME.

Visualization and projection are two things we can do to make things much better.

If we put our focus on the photo above, even for just a little while and visualize the violet flames going through and swirling around the Earth and project this out we can both singularly and collectively create peaceful, more positive change all from the comforts of home...

Back in 1993 there was a study conducted in Washington D.C. with over 3000 Yogic Flyers.

The Yogic Flyers would pray and meditate and this study found that while this was happening crime went down a staggering 21 percent.

I can only imagine if more of us did a visualization for world peace, projected that out as well as prayed how much better things would be.

This is not "Woo Woo" thinking, it is fact.

Just click the link below to see for yourself:

Now, isn't that crazy cool?

I like to call myself the "Armchair Warrior" because I know I can make a difference as well as you by visualizing and projecting healing to our planet and all of the people on it from home.

I like to visualize world peace and healing by using the video below:

I also like to visualize world peace by focusing on the picture below and by saying this mantra:

Dissolve those bombs, their cause and core

Let them now be no more.

With violet flame all war can cease,

From age-old hatreds bring surcease.

Another way to heal the world is getting involved by calling your congressman or congresswoman as well as signing online petitions whenever possible to support a cause or dispute something that needs to be changed.

You matter. Let your voice be heard. The more of us that get involved, the better.

Your participation is key for changing any situation for the better.

We must be the change we wish to see in the world

~Mahatmas Ghandi

Protection prayers are very powerful and the Prayer to Archangel Michael

(both the long and short versions) are used by Catholic Clergy to protect all of us

and are used every day.

There's also the short version of the Prayer to Archangel Michael I say every day:

I really don't believe in "the devil", but rather the evil in the world that is

fueled by fear, anger and greed.

If we pray for peace and protection, we receive more of it, especially if there's a lot of us practicing this daily.

Whatever faith you believe in, pray in the way that you're most comfortable with.

There's always strength in numbers.

We need more "Armchair Warriors".

Will you join me in changing the world for the better?

The world needs you now more than ever and I know we can change it for the better - TOGETHER.

With Love and Solidarity,

Rev. Sue

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