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It Doesn't Matter How Your Life Started, It's Where You're Going To That Counts

No matter how dysfunctional your past or current situation is, you can always move forward as long as you have courage, perseverance, focus and tenacity.

But first and foremost, you must learn to love yourself.

No matter what others may think of you...

Here's one thing that is very important to remember:

Self-defeating behaviors go hand-in-hand with dysfunctional situations.

Behaviors like constantly expecting the worst outcomes.

Thoughts become things so we must be mindful of them.

"What we think, we create" ~ Rev. Sue

That's right, whatever we think about we bring about.

Self-deprecating remarks that hurt ourselves like "I can't do anything right" set the stage for people and events that will reflect this back to you to heal.

For so long anyone in a dysfunctional situation is conditioned to feel like they're not good enough.

I'd like to say that we can break this conditioned response by learning to love ourselves properly and knowing everything happens FOR US and NOT TO US.

We must look within ourselves and do some serious soul searching.

In other words, we need to do the internal work on ourselves.

Once we do the internal work, pray and meditate everything starts to align and your path to success will be clear.

What blocks us like I mentioned earlier is old conditioned responses.

We need to get into a ritual everyday that will change our old conditioned responses.

Another block is our perception of ourselves, other people and situations.

If we see everything as a "negative" and not as an opportunity for growth which leads to better things, we become stagnant and stuck.

We already have what we need inside of us to succeed, we just need to access it.

According to Derek Rydall, best-selling Author of the book

"Emergence: Seven Steps For Radical Life Change" we are like acorns, already engineered to grow and prosper into a large, magnificent oak tree.

In other words, we are already genetically programmed for our life's purpose.

We just have to cultivate the conditions in which we grow.

We need to bloom where we are planted but also cultivate the conditions in which we grow and this can be done by changing our negative perceptions no matter what negative people and situations we are in presently and move towards a positive daily routine

like giving thanks first thing when you wake up and before you go to bed for all the good things and people you already have.

Saying positive affirmations, I use Violet Flame Decrees as they too are affirmations, but also using a visualization of a violet flame going through and around you.

For me that's more powerful with the visualization.

Below is a link to Violet Flame Decrees:

I like Derek's approach. He says "I'm not the sage on the stage, I'm the guide from the side".

Derek had tried all the self-help methods for changing his life only to realize how many things he needed to change about himself.

On two separate occasions, Derek was ready to give up and once he learned to be still, the answer came to him that all of his potential was inside him and that he didn't need to "fix" himself anymore, he needed to bring out all the good that was already inside by cultivating the better conditions to get on the right path.

Derek has walked his walk and now he's ready to talk his talk.

There's more information about Derek Rydall and his book, blogs and other FREE resources on his website:

Working with my shadow self really helped, too. For so long I had numbed myself and avoided the issues that caused me much anger and pain.

Dealing with the darker emotions I had healed me.

I've found out through my own journey that if I dealt with the "dark stuff" head on that I would heal myself much faster.

You are not your past or present circumstances, heal from these experiences and

take one day at a time.

Once you do the emotional work on yourself, you will attract better people and circumstances.

Keep on keepin' on, move forward by taking it day by day and each day will become better and better for you.

Much Love,

Rev. Sue

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