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That Hero In The Mirror Is You

Sometimes in life we feel beat down when circumstances arise and sometimes those sad memories resurface from previous disappointments when we see those lines on our face

when we look in the mirror.

I just wanted to remind you that even though you've been through a lot in the past or right now are going through some tough times, that there lies a hero inside you that needs to be healed and acknowledged.

Even though you may feel like you are going through this alone, I am here to tell you that you are most definitely not alone.

God is with you and within you.

And so is the Hero inside us all.

It's that still, quiet voice that says "keep going" when we want to quit.

It's the Holy Spirit calling out to you to fulfill your destiny, despite past and present circumstances.

Prayer is petitioning for God's help, meditation is to hear His answers.

"Be still and know I am God"

Below is a poem that got me through many a bad time:

"Footprints In The Sand" by Mary Stevenson is about never walking alone,

that God is carrying you through whatever situation you may have faced past or present.

Keep on keepin' on...


Just know the hero in you will prevail.

Don't let the 'Should'a Could'a Would'a" thoughts rent space in your head.

What's past is past, there's nothing that can be done about it.

What matters is how we move forward from the past.

Take it one day at a time and little by little you will heal.

Meditate and the answers will come to you.

What also matters is having the mindset of a Victor, NOT A VICTIM.

It's up to us to become our own hero.

When you do the emotional work on yourself, you are moving forward.

Be patient and take it one day at a time.

Forgiveness healing is forgiveness for those who have hurt you as well as yourself.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (A.R.T. Therapy) helps with deeply seated hurts and traumas.

My husband Rockin' Reverend Dave has a simple motto "Never give up".

He went from being a disabled homeless veteran to a Reverend.

He still has struggles mentally from Combat PTSD and physical issues but he still

keeps on keepin' on.

I had battled cancer three times and won, I have been cancer free since 2010.

I also overcame physical, sexual and financial abuse. I had many, many disappointments and heartbreaks in my life

but I, like Rockin' Reverend Dave never gave up.

When I look in the mirror I see a hero, not a victim.

My hope is that you see the hero in yourself, too.

Much Love,

Reverend Sue

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