The Spiritual Toolbox: Everyday Practices For Success and Happiness
For me, the spiritual toolbox is something I use every day.
In it are the tools I use to help me not only get through each day but also to help myself and other people to prosper.
It's a daily routine I came up with and so far it works,
I hope it works for you, too.
The first thing I do is start out my day with gratitude, as soon as my feet touch the floor I give thanks for another day to make things right with myself, friends and family- and the world.
Afterwards, I like to say a few prayers:
This is an Archangel Michael Clearing Prayer, it clears any negativity out and away from you:
I, (State your name)
call in Archangel Michael and the
Fifth Dimensional Tube of Light.
I request that you place this Tube of Light over me in this lifetime, in all lifetimes,
all planetary systems, all solar systems, all alternate worlds, all alternate universes,
all parallel worlds, all parallel universes, and all space and time by the force and grace of God I ask you Archangel Michael to use your Sword of Light to completely clear me of any attached energies and all negative energies from my cellular memory.
I ask that you transmute these energies through the
Fifth Dimensional Tube of Light to the Fifth Dimension so they can be transformed into their
highest form of Light.
Should i have any attached energies that do not wish to go to the Light, leave me now and go somewhere safe within the universe without harming anyone.
Close up my aura to the influences of all beings except of my Higher Self, the God consciousness, my Guides and Guardians. Gently clear me of all that no longer serves me, so that I vibrate at the highest frequency of abundance, love, and m true Spiritual power.
Open my heart to the vibration of the Christ-Consciousness.
I ask that you infuse all voids within my being with unconditional love and Light.
So speak and so it is.
So be it, may it be so.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
I am receptive to this clearing.
Tap thymus thee times
(use your index and second finger of your right hand)
then touch navel to lock in the energy)
Thymus gland is about two inches below the center of your collarbone, on your upper chest.
I then do a visualization prayer to heal the Earth and all those on it to this video below as it is important to not only heal ourselves, but the other people and animals on it.
Afterwards, I say this mantra to heal the world:
Dissolve those bombs, their cause and core, Let them now be no more. With violet flame all war can cease, From age-old hatreds bring surcease.
I have learned to set clear intentions first thing in the morning to create a great day.
It's made a huge difference in my life and I know it will in yours, too.
Another practice I do throughout every day is to be mindful of my thoughts and especially the spoken word.
Words are powerful, whether they are thought about or spoken.
You can speak good over your life or you can speak not-so-good with worry, anger and resentment.
If you expect good things to happen in your life they will.
If you expect negative things to happen in your life that will happen, too.
The Earth has a magnetic field and so do we.
Our magnetic field is called the Human Auric Field or simply, an Aura.
This Human Auric Field is generated by our Chakras,
7 main power centers in our body that is affected by our thoughts and feelings.
Whenever we think a negative thought it leaves our human auric field and enters the Earth's magnetic field.
This is called projection.
This negative thought has a ripple effect and ultimately attracts a person or situation that will reflect this back to you so it can be revealed and healed.
This is called "Mirroring"
To give you an example of an Aura, short for Human Auric Field below are two Kirlian Photography photos of me, these actually show the Human Auric Field with one showing me angry and the other showing me happy.
The Aura doesn't lie, despite the smile on my face below, the angry red and black colors show my true feelings of anger and resentment.
Now the smile is for real, after much energy work and clearing out the negativity in my life.
The yellow color is from my solar plexus, the Chakra which represents personal power.
I also had green in the lower left side of the photo which is from my heart Chakra and symbolizes healing.
At the end of the day, I like to give thanks by writing down 3-10 things that I am thankful for.
I also like to close out the day by saying the protection prayer above.
Ever since I have done these practices, it has made my whole life much better. There is a lot less negativity.
I hope my spiritual toolbox helps you too.
I wish you grace and ease on your transitions to transformation.
Rev. Sue