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United We Stand, Divided We Fall The "Us vs Them" Mentality Will Destroy The United State

On August 12th, the White Nationalist Party held a demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia which caused violence including the death of a woman protester by a White Nationalist who ran her down with his car as well as two trooper deaths when a Virginia State Police helicopter crashed near the city after monitoring the chaos.

35+ people were also seriously injured, too.

All this stemmed from dangerous minds full of hatred and ego.

This is not the American way.

People of all colors and religions immigrate to this country because America is supposed to give everyone the right to pursue happiness and freedom.

I believe in free speech and the right to assemble (demonstration), but I also believe that known hate groups who want to divide this great country into an "Us vs. Them" country shouldn't be allowed to hold any demonstration as only violence, division and chaos can only ensue from these gatherings.

The "Us vs Them" mentality creates a house divided, and a house divided always falls.

You know the old saying "divide and conquer",

it's literally the oldest strategy to take a country down.

As I am writing this blogpost a song popped into my mind, it is Pink Floyd's "Us and Them".

Below are some of the lyrics: Black and blue And who knows which is which and who is who Up and down And in the end it's only round and round "Haven't you heard it's a battle of words?" The poster bearer cried "Listen son", said the man with the gun "There's room for you inside" Down and out It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about With, without And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?

Our country is only as strong as the people in it.

If we are at war with each other, how can we survive as a nation?

It's time the uncivil war ends.

The scary part is that's starting to happen to us here in the good old U.S. of A.

We really need to respect each other and realize that our differences need to be healed,

not fuel them with demonstrations that promote hatred and violence because if we don't,

the USA will not survive.

Some groups love to keep putting "salt in the wound" for negative attention.

I think it's pretty pathetic.

All these groups care about is power.

The same goes for Democrats and Republicans.

Congress has been a house divided and has been for quite some time.

What these parties fail to realize is they both are supposed represent different aspects of

"we the People", NOT lobbyists with corporate interests.

I agree with one of the best quotes i've ever heard from rocker Jimi Hendrix when he said:

I hope one day this catches on...

Just sayin'...


Rev. Sue

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