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Self Sabotage: Why People Do This and How It Can Be Stopped.

Self-sabotage is something people do on a subconscious level to reinforce negative beliefs about themselves.

Some self-sabotaging behaviors are:

Getting into a relationship that you know is not good for you

All forms of addictions, especially alcoholism and emotional/stress eating

Cutting yourself

I used to sabotage myself with bad relationships and emotional/stress eating,

so I know what self-sabotage is like

Whether it was a great opportunity, allowing abundance or a great relationship,

I would push it away because I felt I wasn't worthy enough.

For years I consciously knew I had these issues but didn't know why I would sabotage myself.

Through therapy it came out that I had issues of not feeling good enough because I was conditioned to be an people-pleaser since I was a child.

Apparently, those old issues were lying dormant within me and needed to get released.

I then learned about EFT, known as Emotional Freedom Tapping which helped me get out of this negative subconscious programming.

EFT is tapping gently on your accupuncture/accupressure points and saying positive affirmations to literally release issues from my tissues.

Cellular memory is the energy of negative programming and situations that literally

gets stored in our bodies.

I call this "issues in our tissues" which can lay dormant for decades until their resolution through EFT or ART Therapy. Hypnotherapy also helps, too.

This can be released through EFT.

Below is a link to a great site for David Childerley, an EFT expert.

The video below is specifically for healing self-sabotage with abundance:



Another modality of healing self-sabotage is Accelerated Resolution Therapy,

a.k.a. ART Therapy which was amazing for me.

I healed old issues in my tissues 30+ years old in a matter of a few sessions.

In these sessions, the first thing my therapist did was take me back to the event(s) that affected me in a negative way.

I had to walk through each "scene" of what affected me as my eyes focused and followed therapist's hand sway back and forth, my eyes doing the same which calmed my parasympathetic glands, which activate the "fight or flight" response stress hormones like cortisol.

The memories of this stress are stored as cellular memory in different areas of our bodies.

I usually don't cry and one memory that I had long buried had come up and I felt a strong twitching in my chest right above my heart as it was released, all of a sudden I was sobbing.

Finally, a long-standing issue of 30+ years left my mind, body and spirit.

I can't even describe how great and freeing that was.

Below is a link from a site that explains cellular memory in great detail:

Two great books I had read about issues in our tissues creating disease

in mind, body and spirit are:

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

This to me is a beginner's guide to healing the issues in our tissues.

Louise L. Hay lists the many illnesses, their cause and affirmations to help heal them.


Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman

For me, this book delved a bit deeper into the process of how the issues got stuck in our tissues in the first place and how to heal them.

The first part of recovery for me was realizing I had sabotaged myself in the first place.

Once the true cause of the self-sabotage surfaced through Accelerated Resolution Therapy, I was able to heal this.

Emotional Freedom Tapping, Accelerated Resolution Therapy and Hypnotherapy helped me overcome my previous self-sabotaging behaviors.

The biggest improvement that I have noticed in myself is that I am more calm and I eat less than half of what I used to as I have become aware of the emotional/stress eating issues as well as healing them.

These modalities really helped me and it is my hope they help all who read this, too.


Rev. Sue

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