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This Too Shall Pass

Whatever situation you don't want to be in remember, this too shall pass.

You just need to take it one day at a time.

Just know it's all part of your life's journey so that you may grow spiritually.

Sometimes when the door of opportunity closes, a much better door opens up for you...

A quote from Alexander Graham Bell:

Keep on keepin' on and move forward...

Sometimes it takes a major life change like an illness, relationship breakup or even financial hardship to push us to make the necessary changes that eventually leads us on the right path.

If I didn't experience illness, relationship breakups or financial discomfort

I wouldn't be where I am today.

The hardships, especially being broke pushed me to pursue my studies of all things spiritual that led me to become a Reverend.

It's a challenge sometimes but mostly I get a lot of joy and fulfillment out of this.

If I didn't experience the illnesses and challenging relationships I wouldn't have

become the Host of my own radio show to share how I got better to help others do the same.

Transitions to Transformation™ Radio Show on BlogTalk now

has over 76 thousand listeners from all over the world.

I am humbled, grateful and thankful for all the experiences that got me here.

It took some very negative and heartbreaking things to happen to me but once I weathered the storms I came out even better than before.

While you're going through the storms of life, remember you don't have to go it alone.

God resides in us and other people.

God instilled in us strength, will and purpose.

It is important to pray to God to petition His help.

Secondly, it is important to be still and meditate for His guidance and answers to your petitions.

Just know you'll never walk alone...

People will start showing up to assist you whether it's for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

You don't have to weather the storm alone.

Just take life's challenges one day at a time and remember to breathe in between...

Take a walk in nature, learn to be grateful for all the good things in your life as this will help shift any negative thoughts into more happier, positive ones.

All this upheaval in your life is taking you from the caterpillar stage in your life to your beautiful butterfly stage of transformation.

The same thing goes for all the upheaval here in the United States.

These past two weeks leading to the eclipse we seen the dark side of humanity in the form of hate groups causing division and violence. This also brings to light that racism is, unfortunately still alive here in this day and age.

Eclipses spiritually are all about shining a spotlight, albeit a dark one on what needs to be fixed along it's path of totality.

The Eclipse's path of totality on Monday, August 21st crossed through the U.S.

The darkness also brings light of the sun which still shone through the total eclipse meaning that after the darkness, comes the light...

Maybe, just maybe we will finally learn that hate and division no longer serve this country or anywhere else for that matter.

The mainstream media will make everything look like an apocalypse,

I don't watch or listen to a lot of it.

I like to be informed, but not saturated with it.

Be informed, but don't buy into everything, ok?

Like Mahatma Ghandi said "We must be the change we see in the world".

And we will be as long as we both practice and visualize peace.

Peace within ourselves and peace for the world.

It is my hope you go through your transitions to transformation will grace and ease as well as the United States emerging from the recent tragic events into a more understanding, compassionate and united country.


Rev. Sue

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