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What Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Samhain, All Soul's Day And Dia Des Los Muertos Have In Commo

The Celtic holiday All Hallow's Eve, also known as "Halloween" and Samhain ties into the Catholic version of All Soul's Day and Mexico's version of All Soul's Day known as

Dia De Los Muertos in English means "Day of The Dead" all have one thing in common:

It's a celebration and remembrance for our loved ones who have passed on.

To me, the physical body dies but the spirit is eternal thanks to Jesus' sacrifice for us.

I don't like the word "death" because it is dark and final so I decided to change it's definition to:






See, it sounds more comforting, doesn't it?

The latter version to me sounds so cold and final.

This version to me just says

"See you on the other side" or a sort of graduation from this Earth School 101.

In both Celtic and Catholic traditions altars are made with photos of our loved ones who have made their transition along with some of their personal items, candles, flowers and food.

Incense is used before any festivities to welcome our loved ones in.

I love this practice as it makes me feel closer to the ones I have loved and lost.

It makes me feel as if it is not "Goodbye" per se, but rather "See you later".

It's my own personal belief that we are born into this "Earth School 101" for us to learn and grow.

To me life is:





It's also my own personal belief once we are done learning what we need to learn whether it is responsibility, loving yourself or many other reasons, we shed what my friend Psychic-Medium Daniel Akner describes as "The body we rent" and go to Heaven which is kind of like summer recess, often called "Summerland" to either stay or incarnate again to learn more lessons

and/or assist others.

Today I plan on celebrating with my altar filled with flowers, candles and photos of my loved ones who have passed on.

I will remember how these special people made my life better and everything that I have learned from them.

Below is a special All Soul's Day radio show I did 2 years ago with my good friend

and Psychic-Medium Karoline Pfeiffer-Ibsen. I listen to this often and am reminded that we truly do not walk alone. Our loved ones are still with us in spirit and do leave us many signs in which Karoline and myself talk about:

I found a really great blog post about how all the aforementioned holidays tie in together:

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