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2020 Vision: It's Still A New Year, New Decade

For a few months now, it's been a new year

and beginning of a new decade.

It's not what we have expected, though we can make it better.

What is YOUR 2020 vision?

Well, I don't think any of us would have believed the new year and decade would start out with the Covid-19 Pandemic.

And who would have thought toilet paper

to be such a hot commodity?

What's up with that? Lol!


Even though this has been a challenge to navigate,

things can and always will get better.

This too shall pass and there is still hope for great, new beginnings that start off with a new year and decade.

Until this does pass, we have the unique opportunity to

re-connect with family and friends as well as reassess

our life's goals and dreams while we are home.

Whether we Skype, text or call we can still be together.

Even though things have been challenging, there is still a lot of good to keep us moving forward.

All the pharmacists, doctors, nurses, CNA's and others in healthcare, the grocery clerks, the truckers that bring much needed supplies, the postal workers who sort and deliver our much needed mail and supplies, as well as many others who keep us all moving forward.

I have seen so many of my musician friends on Facebook have living room concerts, my fitness friends giving home exercise lessons as well as others doing cooking lessons.

There's also been friends and family that have been sewing masks for nurses and doctors as well as posting videos on how to make no sew masks.

I love the inspirational and also funny memes my friends and family have been posting on Facebook like these:

It​'s comforting to know we have friends and family posting things that both inform and boost us all up.

We are not alone by any means.

And there's still a lot of hope left.

My definition of hope is:





Drawing by Miriam Klackova

What are YOU hopeful for?

Since we've had the time at home there's been a lot of things to think about...

Do you see yourself making the necessary changes you need to make in your life?

Have you set any goals you wish to attain?

I like to approach these goals one thing at a time,

one day at a time.

Just taking baby steps.

I also like to document these baby steps, too.

I actually broke down and bought myself a real day planner,

my first one in over 20 years.

There is a section for goals of the month which makes goal setting less intimidating.

One of the goals I set was to join a new gym,

and this past January I actually did.

Even though I can't go right now because of the gym closings due to the pandemic, I can still work out at home.

I am just glad I joined the gym as it was a goal of mine.

It made me feel great to cross this off in my day planner.

Since the quarantine, I have been giving myself little "projects" to do like cleaning the house in little sections in each room so I don't get too overwhelmed.

I am taking advantage of this time to do some "Spring cleaning".

Other projects I am doing while home bound is drawing,

writing songs and also this blog :)

I plan on recording some songs, too.

Use this time to reassess and prioritize your goals and dreams.

Also, this would be a great time to learn balance between rest and work.

Get in tune with yourself by connecting to nature, meditating or anything that relaxes you.

In order for us to press forward we also must put faith over fear.

No matter how the mainstream media throws fear and negativity at us, Author of the book

"When Did You Die?:

8 Steps to Stop Dying Everyday and Start Waking Up"

Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes says:

"Don't let the breaking news break you"

Let's ditch the fear the daily news feeds us every day

and place faith over fear.

This is my favorite quote from motivational speaker and author

Zig Ziglar:

So, let's keep on moving toward our goals, keep our faith over fear and have hope for the future as we still have each other.

My definition of faith is:






Let 2020 go down in history as the year we wipe away fear and keep moving towards bigger and better things.

Oh yes... and maybe buy stock in toilet paper...only kidding LOL!

In Love and Solidarity,

Rev. Sue

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